Abdallah Khaled.jpg

Mester Abdallah Khaled .( Italia/Algerie)

I Atlasfjellene nord i Algerie, noen kilometer fra Middelhavskysten, i en landsby i lille Kabylia, vokste jeg opp. Der har hver årstid sin spesielle sjarm. Om våren blir stemningen nesten magisk med en fargeintensitet som går fra skogens intense grønne til en okergul jordfarge, omgitt av en mangefarget blomsterprakt som beruser med sine søte dufter. Oleanderne blomstrer langsmed bredden av bekkene som renner ned i dalene og helt ut til Middelhavet.

Min far døde i Paris i løpet av den algeriske frigjøringskrigen. Jeg bodde sammen med min mor som dyrket jorden vår og stelte olivenlunden. Hun laget for hånd, med stor dyktighet og fantasi, vaser og andre bruksgjenstander i keramikk og dekorerte dem med naturlige jordfarger.

Jeg husker med dyp takknemlighet barndomsårene jeg tilbrakte sammen med min mor og min bestemor. Hun vevde tradisjonsrike fargesprakende tepper i ull hentet fra den berbisk algeriske håndverkskulturen. Kvinnene kledde seg i fargerike klær som nådde dem helt ned til føttene, og de pyntet seg med utsøkte sølvsmykker. I forbindelse med religiøse seremonier og brylluper beveget turbanene deres seg som fargerike former over de vakre elastiske kroppene deres og gjorde stemningen dynamisk og levende. Dansene og all musikken var frigjørende fysisk og mentalt og ga en pause fra dagliglivets strev. Vi barn var alltid ute og i nær kontakt med naturen. Vi lekte med husdyrene og red på esler, kuer og geiter. Barndommen min var full av lykke og glede, rik på dufter og smaker, omgitt av fjellene, skogene og de små elvene i Tamrichte.

 I min landsby var det ingen som noen gang hadde brukt ordet kunst, men en dag mens jeg skar figurer inn i noen trestammer, spurte en eldre herre meg om hva jeg holdt på med og om jeg visste hva en maler, en kunstner var …..  Kanskje var det det som fikk meg til å ønske å bli kjent med og forstå kunsten. Jeg flyttet til hovedstaden Alger hvor jeg gikk på tegnekurs på en privatskole, og der begynte jeg å forstå ikke bare hvordan en skulle tegne og male, men fremfor alt hvordan en skulle gjøre det, hvordan en kunne skape følsomme, harmoniske og poetiske former.

Fra da av har min reise fortsatt, først til det vidunderlige kunstlandet Italia for å avslutte studiene mine, og siden har jeg reist kontinuerlig til forskjellige deler av verden på leting etter nye farger og nye stemninger som jeg kan overføre til bildene mine.

Kunsten er for meg et lys som får meg til å se og føle, en uttrykksmåte til å formidle stemninger og følelser gjennom formens modulasjon, fargen og streken i rommet. Kunstverket kan ikke og må ikke være likegyldig overfor livet, eller bare dekorativt. Det må være i stand til å holde i gang en kontinuerlig kreativ og kulturell dialog gjennom sin diktning. Kunsten er en verdi for alle dem som elsker og leter etter det vakre. Den er som en åpen bok som en kan lese hver dag, fordi hver dag oppdager en noe nytt som en ikke tidligere fullt ut hadde forstått.


Abdallah Khaled

Abdallah Khaled’s Biography


Abdallah Khaled’s complexity as an artist may be more easily understood by looking at his cultural diversity, in the merging of artistic influences of both Algeria and Italy. He has been refining his cultural and artistic knowledge through travels and periods of study in the whole of Europe. His numerous personal and group exhibitions have obtained a positive and enthusiastic consensus from critic and public alike. His paintings are to be found in the National Museum of Fine Arts of Algeria and in numerous private collections of Canada, the United States, Japan, Finland, Norway, France, Germany, Austria and of course Italy. His work fuses together the intense chromatic brightness with the abstracts forms and the formal study of the occidental artistic avant-garde with the Arabic-African iconographic heritage.


1954   Abdallah Khaled was born in Tamrichte Bejaïa, in the small region of Kabylia in the North of Algeria.

 1968   Moved to Bordj-El-Kiffan, in the periphery of Algeri, where he attended a private School of Art.

 1976   Admitted to the National School of Fine Arts where he was monitored by the Master Choukry Masly. In this period he painted frescos and decorations in schools, kindergarten and public buildings.

1980   Earning a scholarship to Italy, he attended the University for foreigners in Perugia.

 1981  Entered the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice, where he studied painting with the Master Emilio Vedova, graduating in 1985.

1985-1986  Attended sculpture courses at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice.

1986-1988  Khaled attended the workshop of the Master Giancarlo Scapin in order to study ceramics craftsmanship.

1989  Received an invitation from the Palace of Culture of Algiers for opportunity to prepare for a personal exposition that was realized the following year.

1990   Started, what is now, a permanent cooperation with the Art Gallery Nino Sindoni in Asiago, which organizes important exhibitions in Italy and abroad.

1994  The Algerian Ministry of Culture chose him to represent Algeria in a cultural event in the Arab Emirates.

1997 During the international exhibition SAGA-fiac of Paris, a commission chose him for a big personal exposition,  at L’Espal Centre Culturel of Le Mans (France).

1998-2002  New, close ties were established with Galleries in Paris, Grenoble, Lion, Villefranche-sur-mer, Mulhouse, who exhibit his paintings for extended periods. 

2000   He met the journalist Claude Bedda who introduced him to the Gallery Royal and to the Gallery Beauchamp of Quebec City, where his works along with other artists, are exhibited permanently.

2002  Collaboration with the Artist Tobia Ravà: they participated in many events with the theme of “peace between nations”  and they presented various works as a twosome. The graphic work Scoppio di pace was donated to the international organisations UN and UNESCO.

2004  Linking of the cities of Schio (Italy) and Landshut (Germany) resulted in many personal and group exhibitions organized in the Städtische Galerie.2007   Ravvvivati Gallery organized, the Exhibition called “The Secret Image” in the Piombino town hall (Livorno).

2007/2008 The city of Landshut (Germany) together with the city of Schio promoted an exclusive Exhibition at the Städtische Galerie.




Group Exhibition. Gallery Mohamed Racim, Algeri, Algeria.


Group Exhibition. Gallery Mohamed Racim, Algeri, Algeria.


Group Exhibition. Cultural Department of Faenza, Ravenna, Italy.

Group Exhibition. Quadriportico, Brisighella, Ravenna, Italy.

Group Exhibition “68 Collective” Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation, Venice, Italy.

Solo Exhibition. Schio Town hall, Guests room, Schio, Vicenza, Italy.


Group Exhibition. “IV Besulla Price”, Mestre, Venice, Italy.

Group Exhibition. PSI Giudecca Centre , Venice, Italy.

Group Exhibition.  Cartigliano Town hall, Cartigliano, Vicenza, Italy.


Solo Exhibition. Ex Town hall School, Garda, Venice, Italy.


Group Exhibition. “Alice’s dreams”, Palace of the Region, Trent, Italy.

Group Exhibition. Rathausfoyer, Städtische Galerie, Landshut, Germany.

Solo Exhibition. Palace “Ex Guardia di Finanza”, Peschiera del Garda, Verona, Italy Solo Exhibition. “Villa Melisa”, Torri del Benaco, Verona, Italy.

Solo Exhibition. Quartirolo Artespaziodieci Gallery, Bologna, Italy.


Group Exhibition. “International Contemporary Art Fair”, Bari, Italy.

Group Exhibition. “III National Price of Painting”, Bassano del Grappa, Vicenza, Italy.


Solo Exhibition. Palace “Ex Guardia di Finanza”, Peschiera del Garda, Verona, Italy.

Solo Exhibition. Scrimin Cultural Centre, Bassano del Grappa, Vicenza, Italy.


Group Exhibition. Palace Toaldi-Capra, Schio, Vicenza, Italy.

Solo Exhibition. Gallery Nino Sindoni, Asiago, Vicenza, Italy.


Group Exhibition. National Group Exhibition, Thiene, Vicenza, Italy.

Solo Exhibition. Peschiera Town hall, Peschiera del Garda, Verona, Italy.

Solo Exhibition. Gallery Nino Sindoni, Asiago, Vicenza, Italy.


Solo Exhibition. Gallery Nino Sindoni, Asiago, Vicenza, Italy.

Solo Exhibition. “Cultures in Comparison”, Palazzo Reale, Crespano del Grappa, Treviso, Italy.


Solo Exhibition. “ArtePadova”, Gallery Nino Sindoni, Padua Art Fair. Italy.


 Solo Exhibition. “ArtePadova”, Gallery d’Arte Nino Sindoni, Padua Art Fair. Italy.


Group Exhibition. “SAGA”, Paris, Gallery Nino Sindoni.

Group Exhibition. Palace Boschetti, Schio, Vicenza, Italy.

Solo Exhibition. “ArtePadova”, Gallery Nino Sindoni, Padua Art Fair, Italy.


Solo Exhibition. “Vicenza Arte”, Gallery Nino Sindoni, Vicenza Art Fair, Italy

Solo Exhibition. “LineArt”, Gant, Gallery Nino Sindoni, Gant Art Fair, Belgium.

Solo Exhibition. “Itineraries”, Verona, Italy.

Solo Exhibition. Piccola Barchessa Manin, Montebelluna, Treviso, Italy.

“Solo Exhibition. “The secret image” Church of the Angel, Bassano del Grappa, Italy.



Group Exhibition. “SAGA”, Paris, Gallery Nino Sindoni.


Group Exhibition. “SAGA-Fiac”, Gallery Nino Sindoni, Paris, France.

Solo Exhibition. “Vicenza Arte”, Gallery Nino Sindoni, Vicenza Art Fair, Italy.

Solo Exhibition. “The secret image”, Algerian Cultural L’Espal, Le Mans, France.


Group Exhibition. “SAGA-Fiac”, Gallery Nino Sindoni, Paris, France.


Solo Exhibition. “The secret image”, Centre Culturel Algérien, Paris, France.

Solo Exhibition. “Miroir de la Musique, Padua, Italy.


Group Exhibition. “ARTENIM”, Nîmes , France.

Group Exhibition. Galerie Royale, Quebec City, Canada.


Group Exhibition. Galerie Beauchamp, Québec City, Canada.

Group Exhibition. “The time of soul”, Mediterranean Museum of Natural History, Livorno, Italy.

Group Exhibition. “Symballein”, House-Museum Cima da Conegliano, Conegliano Veneto, Italy.

Solo Exhibition. Galerie Voltaire, Grenoble, France.

Solo Exhibition. “Saalam Shalam” Mole Vanvitelliana, Ancona, Italy. 


Group Exhibition. “Mille e una notte”, Villa Benzi Zecchini, Caerano di San Marco, Treviso, Italy.

Group Exhibition. “River Art” Spazio Aperto Gallery, Venice, Italy.

Solo Exhibition. Gallery Nino Sindoni, Asiago, Vicenza, Italy.


Group Exhibition. “Imagine” Gallery Artefilia, Reggio Emilia, Italy.

Group Exhibition. “Foundation of Peace”,  Villa Benzi Zecchini, Caerano di San Marco, Treviso, Italy.

Group Exhibition. “Licht Liebe Leben”. Rathausfoyer, Städtische Galerie, Landshut, Germany.



Group Exhibition. “Imagine” Gallery Artefilia, Reggio Emilia, Italy.

Group Exhibition. L’Occhio Art Gallery, Venice, Italy.

Group Exhibition. “Animal Soul”, Montebelluna library, Montebelluna, Treviso, Italy.

Group Exhibition. “Animal Soul”, Villa Correr Pisani, Biadene di Montebelluna, Treviso, Italy.

Group Exhibition. “Alma Planta. Methaphysics Botany  ”, Villa Donà delle Rose, Mirano, Venice, Italy.


Group Exhibition. “Imagine” Gallery Artefilia, Reggio Emilia, Italy.

Group Exhibition. “L’Art Avant tout”, Galerie d’Art LB, Algeri, Algeria.

Group Exhibition. “Exciting Enigma”, Villa Donà delle Rose, Mirano, Venice, Italy.

Group Exhibition. “Foundation of Peace”, Chiostro Ex Convento di Sant’Antonio, Nardò, Lecce, Italy.

Group Exhibition. “Underwood Art”, Villa Donà delle Rose, Mirano, Venice, Italy.

Solo Exhibition. “Puro Arte”, Gallery Nino Sindoni, Vigo, Spain.



Solo Exhibition. “Mediterranean” Pomposa Abbey, Feltre, Italy.

Solo Exhibition. “The secret image”, Ravvivati Accademy, Piombino, Livorno, Italy.

Solo Exhibition. “Puro Arte”, Gallery Nino Sindoni, Vigo, Spain.

Solo Exhibition. Rathausfoyer, Städtische Galerie, Landshut, Germany.


Solo Exhibition. “The Sensitive Memory and Beyond”, Palace Fogazzaro, Town hall of Schio, Vicenza, Italy.

Group Exhibition. Mediterranean Crossroads “Arab artists between Italy and the mediterranean” “Ministry of foreign Affairs”.  Itinerant Exhibition (Tunisi, Algeri, Casablanca)


Group Exhibition. Mediterranean Crossroads “Arab artists between Italy and the mediterranean” “Ministry of foreign Affairs”  Camera dei deputati, Palazzo Montecitorio. Italy.

Solo Exhibition. Il Novecento Gallery, Salerno, Italy.

Solo Exhibition. Gallery Nino Sindoni, Asiago, Vicenza. Italy.

Group Exhibition, Knatten, Eva Lange, near Fredrikstad,  Norway.

Solo Exhibition, Gallery Athene, Drammen, Norway.


Solo Exhibition. Gallery Nino Sindoni, Asiago, Vicenza. Italy.


Group Exhibition. Cultural Centre, Montaut, France.


Group Exhibition. “Adamà” Pardes Laboratory of research in Contemporary Art, Mirano, Venice. Italy.

Group Exhibition. “Art is good for heart”. Hospital Cà Foncello, Treviso, Italy.

Solo Exhibition. “Sensitive memory and beyond”, Santa Maria del Torresino, Town hill of Cittadella, Padua, Italy.

Group Exhibition. Il Novecento Gallery, Poltu Qualtu, Sardegna Italy.

Solo Exhibition. Gallery Athene, Drammen, Norway

Nino Sindoni Gallery Asiago (VI) Italy


Comune di Cittadella (PD) Italy



Sala Comunale “Roberto Iras Baldessari” Rovereto (TN) Italy




Sala Civica “G. Craffonara” Giardini di Porta Orientale Riva del Garda (TN)  Italy


Palazzo della Loggia Noale (VE) Italy


PaRDes  Laboratorio di Ricerca d’Arte Contemporanea   Mirano (VE) Italy







2014 Galleria Celeste Vicenza Italy


2014 Gallery Gum Miami Florida USA


2014 PaRDes Laboratorio di Ricerca d’Arte Contemporanea Mirano (VE) Italy




Galleria Celeste Vicenza Italy


Zeroquattroduedue Treviso Italy


Zanini Arte San Benedetto Po (MN) Italy


Nino Sindoni Gallery Asiago (VI) Italy


PaRDes Laboratorio di Ricerca d’Arte Contemporanea Mirano (VE) Italy




Ca’ la Ghironda Art Museum Ponte Ronca di Zola Predosa Bologna Italy


Comune di Casaleone (VR) Italy


PaRDes Laboratorio di Ricerca d’Arte Contemporanea Mirano (VE) Italy


Galleri Athene, Drammen, Norway